My goal as an engineer is to understand and take responsibility for tough problems that are barriers to communities. Creating social impact will always be a goal of mine wherever I go.

Co-Founder & Co-Host | ChAIcast

January 2022-Present

S T U D E N T   O R G A N I Z A T I O N S

During undergrad, I co-founded and grew two student organizations alongside other founding members with the unified goal of lowering barriers for one or more groups of underrepresented minorities. 

Founding President | Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

January 2020-April 2021

During undergrad, I co-founded Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering (WECE) and led WECE through its first year during COVID-19.

Mission Statement:

"WECE is a student-run, diversity-focused organization whose purpose is to foster community among women and other gender minorities in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) fields at the University of Michigan. WECE is dedicated to assisting in the recruitment and retention of gender minorities in ECE industries and academia. WECE focuses on the professional and academic development of individuals committed to innovation and excellence in electrical and electronics engineering fields. Although WECE is intended to support women and gender minority individuals, membership is open to UM students associated with ECE (e.g., in a degree program or advised by an ECE faculty member) of any gender identity with an interest in the mission of WECE."

The organization hosted over 50 events during my term as President and now has over 120 active members ranging from first-year through graduate students.

Public Presence: 

My Role:

• Developed plans with 7 board members to organize and coordinate first year of recruitment, professional, advocacy and mentorship events 

• Co-led weekly webinars for members by bringing in guest speakers, checking in with members, and announcing other virtual events 

• Led the student organization registration process for WECE, which included writing the constitution, attending new student orientation, selecting authorized signers and recruiting 30 members to register the organization 

Co-organized several initiatives including a hackathon collaboration with Women in Aeronautics & Astronautics (WAA), EECS Study Teams, Version Control & Technical Interview workshops

• Secured 8 corporate partnerships for WECE during first semester, which resulted in raising several thousand dollars during first year

Founding President | Advocates for Diversity in Engineering

March 2018-April 2020

The ultimate goal with this organization was to bridge the gap between the high level diversity & inclusion vision set by the College of Engineering in 2016 and the group climate in 40 Michigan Engineering student organizations. This organization is the College's first ever student-led DEI action group. It has been the starting point for many DEI initiatives from other student organizations in the College. We have worked extensively with the Office of Student Affairs on all initiatives.

Mission Statement:

“The mission of the Advocates for Diversity in Engineering (ADE): A DEI Student Advisory Board Subteam is to transform the future of tomorrow by enabling students in University of Michigan College of Engineering student organizations and the entire CoE community to reach their full potential. We are a subteam of the DEI Student Advisory Board committed to exposing all students in engineering student teams, organizations and societies of every background to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts put forth by the DEI Strategic Plan.” 

My Role:

• Led weekly meetings with board members to discuss progress on each project and sent out meeting minutes

• Drove vision for projects including DEI plan drafting for 40 student orgs, accessibility and equity in student project spaces, and feedback system for students and administration in student project spaces 

• Founded first subteam of DEI Student Advisory Board and recruited 13 students to enact change across College of Engineering 


For my leadership work in college I received and was nominated by others for several awards: